Next Generation Technical Support

Membership Service - Frequently Asked Questions

Membership Service - Frequently Asked Questions

 The following are some of the questions we have been asked about the membership service before.

Q: What are the benefits of my joining the Membership Service?

Answer: You have instant access to a comprehensive independent offshore pensions support service which will help you transact QROPs, QNUPS, International Annuity and other types of international pensions business in a compliant manner. In addition we are building a library of trust and estate planning information following the launch of our Qteps service. QB Partners are committed to maintaining the service on a regular basis to ensure that it continues to be the most comprehensive technical resource available in the market. Please go to Membership on the menu bar for more details of the benefits joining the service could give you.

Q: How do I pay for the Membership Service?

Answer: Press any of the "Become a Member " buttons. Complete your details on the Become a Member page and select the membership level you require.You can join as an individual or speak to your company about joining corporately, which may be more cost effective.

Once you have selected your membership level you will be taken through to PayPal. If you are a member of PayPal you can set up your regular subscription from PayPal. If you are not a member of PayPal you can set up your subscription from a debit or credit card of your choice.

If you do not wish to pay by debit or credit card please set up a regular standing order for the appropriate amount to :

The QROPS Bureau LLP

Barclays Bank PLC

Sort Code 20-26-74

Account Number 33390748

Q: What do I do if I am no longer using the Membership Service?

Answer: You can cancel your membership at any time if you find that you are not using the service - there is no lock in period. An exception to this would be if one or more suitability reports had been obtained at membership discount, in which case a minimum of 12 months membership is required. Also if we believe that a subscriber has requested a large number of comprehensive documents from us and then cancelled the subscription after only one or two payments we reserve the right to charge for a 12 month period. QB Partners are committed to maintaining the service on a regular basis to ensure that it continues to be the most comprehensive offshore pensions resource on the market and adds ongoing value to your business.

Become a member for as little as £250/month
  • Dedicated support phone line and direct access to our technical consultants
  • 10% discount on all suitability reports and other client specific services
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Become a member for as little as £250/month