Next Generation Technical Support

Offshore Bond Panel Members - Non-UK Advisers

Offshore Bond Panel Members - Non-UK Advisers

QB Partners provide technical support to Hansard International.

  • Hansard International

    From their base on the Isle of Man, in the heart of the British Isles, Hansard International has been providing innovative financial products and services for international clients since 1987.

    Hansard International forms part of Hansard Global Plc, which has been listed on the London Stock Exchange since 2006. They have over USD 1 billion* of assets under administration and provide servicing for over 40,000* clients across the globe.

    Hansard provides a range of regular and single contribution products, including Universal Personal Portfolio which gives contract holders access to thousands of diverse assets (subject to their asset criteria) through a range of charging structures. Universal Personal Portfolio is ideally placed to be a home for clients’ QROPS lump sums. Please click through on the title above for more information.

    *as at 1st June 2015, Hansard Global Plc

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